There's still the routine (basic training) of doctor apts, pills and tests. But no real front line battles.
On a different subject matter I have a bit of important information to announce. It has come to my attention that a group of friends have created a FU Cancer bracelet, and all the proceeds of the sales of these bracelets are going in my direction to do with however I please.
First off, I can't describe how grateful and honored I am to have friends to even think up a concept like this. But I wanted you all to know that I will be starting a non-profit with the funds raised from sales.
I'm just now working on a mission statement, but I know the premises of the idea... to help and give back to others. I'm leaning on an artistic/mind occupying angle, give art supplies, music, books, to people going through surgeries and treatments. My mom also suggested a food and dietary angle, which if this thing picks up might be incorporated down the road.
If your interested in getting a bracelet, let me know I know they are being sold @ the Gin Mill for $5. I don't have my hands on any, but if there is some response I'm sure I can get a bunch and ship them out to you.
I say good day.
let me know hot to help Foggy!!