So it's official, if I was a professional anything (baseball, football, swimming, biker... you name it) I would be kicked out of that sport for doping, yes kids that is correct I'm on roids.
They are helping with the allergic reactions to the drugs so now I don't stop breathing. One side effect is I need to take another drug to stop a Yeast infection from happening in my mouth and throat. Stupid roids, they also said I will get some sort of roid rage when I'm all done taking them... awesome personality trait.
Today was the easiest day of all, still no appetite but I ate what I think is a Gyro and fries, however it had no taste at all. I guess you could say it tasted like a ball of watered bleached flour.
My hair is showing signs of thinning (at least to me) they say by next week I should be close to bald, don't worry those pics will be up when I'm good and bald.
The worst part of all of this is I'm always the last one to leave the chemo b/c my drugs have to be administered slower than everyone else's b/c of my reactions.
I can tell I'm losing weight again, and it sucks... I'm already under 200lbs.
Well you know this was all drivel talk today, no real emotions come to the front. So I'm going to put this Mac down for the night and sleep.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support, This is an open book for who ever wants to read it so please pass it along. I want to inform as many people as possible about chemo. Maybe one day I will elaborate further about the surgeries, lord knows my last one was a trip to hell I now have a 13' scar down my stomach that looks more like an I.E.D. shrapnel wound than a preventative surgery.
I'm off, the drugs are kicking in...time to go to lala land. Also if anyone has a connect for some green I'd be a happy boy, they won't give me Maranol till the 3rd week and I want to get my appetite back.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
13", little bro. I don't think you're 13' feet tall...
ReplyDeleteLove ya!