So I don't know how this entry is going to go.... Today, so many different emotions came to the front and right now my mental exhaustion is making my hands shake like Lou Gehrig.
First chore of the day is head to REACH Charlotte and put some baby batter on ice, woke up tired and cranky, driving to the place I heard a commercial played on my old station for them. I loved their slogan "Guarantee within 6 tries you'll bring a baby home, or your money back" this sounds more like the new General Motors car challenge, than a welcoming place to keep the Fogg legacy on hold.
At the clinic I felt like a John working with a hooker. Very formal, a large monetary sum is exchanged and then I 'enjoy' some girl on girl smut, in the comforts of a very dreary room. Afterwards you leave your room with a sense of being busted for prostitution and the lady who did your processing...err paper work, gives you a I know what you did type of look.
One doctor down, one more to go to, this time, back to the messhole. I am sat down in a room with a Nurse Practitioner to describe what to expect. Shit they don't leave anything to the imagination, after an hour of hearing I'm going to lose my hair, food will taste like a penny, kidneys might fail, blah blah blah the most depressing part of the entire apt. was them saying I can't get my tattoo today.
The plan was to get a tattoo on my forearm, however after the messhole doctors said the skin might blister and become infected due to the ink, I took their advice and passed on the tattoo......on my arm.
I did get one on my left ankle, hurt like hell and it felt like every single needle point was hitting bone. But it was well worth it, an Egyptian symbol for hope that I altered the color of the full moon to support the fight against testicular cancer.
Well, shit that's it for now. Tomorrow they are doing a brain scan just to verify this awesome disease didn't spread to my think tank. Cleveland, I'll see you in two days.
Till next time.
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