I don't know what to write, but I feel inclined to put words down.
I spent all fucking day trying to work off these roids, and I'm still awake, times like these I miss my Ambien. I can't kiss Julie enough, but yet these roids won't let me... I could spread an infection.
We're considering a second opinion on treatment if the messhole doctor tries to put me back on the "I can't breathe" meds again, I can't go through that shit again, I feel like a 50 something who just had a scare heart attack, and is grateful for every next day.
I guess the quote on the messhole wall "Every day is a gift" does have some meaning to it now, well at least to me. My priorities have changed, I feel like i wised up 10 years to what I want with life.
I think my hair stopped falling out, for now. Mom said I should just shave the fucker and get it over with. I know I'm stressing over this shit and I shouldn't, how vain it's becoming of me.
Shit I just yawned, I think it's a sign.
Smell ya, sorry for the drivel.
Eh who cares...your allowed to complain about whatever you want right now. If my hair was falling out I'd be bitching about it too. But hey @ least bald guys are hot. Young bald guys. Not like a grandpa. b/c that's just eww. But I'm glad to see your feeling better as in your just tired and weak for the moment. :)