The title of this post is irrelevant to the actual blog, I'm just loopy on drugs to keep my food down.
After my last post I went directly to sleep (similar to Monopoly's "go directly to jail) I woke up and it was dark out side, felt like it was 4am with a cotton filled mouth and a empty stomach with no craving for food.
I am now starting to feel the effects of chemo, my appetite is virtually gone, my energy level is down, and my head continues to feel like I'm in the clouds.
I lost my breath today... again, turns out I'm allergic to two of the three drugs they give me, I was flustered and coughing for 10 min until they yanked the IV out of my arm and gave me an emergency injection of steroids and benedryl. My breathing is still tight, but much better.
Before I even started chemo I lost 25 lbs, I'm only imagining how much more I will lose pretty soon I'll be skin and bones.
On that note I'm going to spend the last 32 min. of Julie's birthday with her, I'm sad because I couldn't do what I wanted to do for her today due to my procedure.... hopefully Saturday I can redeem myself.
Speaking of Julie she just gave me a cheese cracker... she spoils me :)
"VICTORY!!!!!!!" - "Johnny Drama"
Cheese crackers are good. Tell her to add some peanut butter and pack on the calories with that cheese!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you Fogg!
Till next time!