Wednesday, December 2, 2009
"Stephen your done with chemo."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
For Your Cure is in London
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Some information

Hey guys, I'll be in London all next week so there might be a break from the action. But I wanted to post two e-mail's I sent out earlier this week, if anyone is interested (far and wide) don't hesitate to contact me @ stephenfogg@yahoo.com I might not respond right away b/c I'm not sure the internet situation we will have but ohh well, I'm done rambling. Enjoy
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I bet...

I had at least 20 of you guys googling the song "Bald Headed Hoes" from my previous post, all wondering "who must sing such a kind hearted melody"
Bald Headed Hoes
Monday, November 16, 2009
Normal, somewhat.

Today begins my recovery, 6 months the doctors say will take to get my body back into normal shape. My mind is clear, but my body is still so tired.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I can't go.

The nausea is killing me, things would feel better if I could just purge. The Nulasta shot did this to me last time too, sore bones, nausea, jitters, and exhausted. I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
4 Days and Counting,

Till my chemo might be complete, 4 more sessions in the messhole, hopefully. Dec 2nd I go back in for blood work and testing, then we see how happy I shall be.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Just Worn Out

My body is sore and weary, I'm having small tremors, the chemo is working again. My hair is thin like the stereotypical combover of the middle aged man. I have slept the day away, and I could fall back asleep any minuet now.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Deja Vu

My hair is significantly thin, and I have patches of baldness everywhere. I think I'm going to bet my over/under is Thursday I will be completely bald. Not Sinead O'Connor Bald, more like the Blue Man Group.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Back to the Frontline

I'm droopy, wait maybe drowsy.
Oh Indeed

I'm jittery, have a rash all over, and my hair is falling out, it should all be out by next week.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Messhole

Back in this seat again, a nice polyester recliner, staring at no one like myself, or everyone like myself…… depending on how you see it.
I’m bummed, made a huge lunch for fear it is my “last meal” with any real taste for now, realizing Monday I’m slated to go through the week of hell…again.
More shots, steroids, IV’s, drugs, more or less of the same. This week off really spoiled me.
Messhole doctor finally told me what they ‘suspect’ landed me in the ER 2 Sunday’s ago, a case of phenomena, infection and possible beginning of H1N1.
They just injected me with a test shot of the drugs, it burned like hell going in.
I hope I can do this… I’m not mentally prepared for this again, not yet, not now, not ever.
Fuck the Suck

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My Ride in the Pope Mobile

Monday, November 2, 2009
Address (Intermission pt.2)

Sunday, November 1, 2009
"all I got was a black face & a pregnant 13yr. old"

Friday, October 30, 2009
21up gAy BINgo

Was the sign I passed promoting this upcoming event @ the Grady Cole center, I thought to myself for sometime... What the fuck do those two things have in common? I just didn't get the appeal, to me it seemed like it was a code word for some freaky group thing... ahh hell I don't know...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You think it sucks to have cancer? How do you think cancer feels that it has Steve Fogg?

is what an old Fraternity brother said to me today. Ever since I've known him he's been a fucking smartass overachiever, our personalities couldn't be different but yet I've always appreciated him as a person, it's a genuine feeling.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Bleomycin Side Effects.

"Mama always said I do thing's 99% better than the rest, I guess this might be one of those instances when I hope to god she isn't right."
This is potentially the most serious side effect, occurring in approximately 10% of treated patients. The most frequent presentation is pneumonitis occasionally progressing to pulmonary fibrosis . Approximately 1% of patients treated have died of pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary toxicity is both dose and age related, being more common in patients over 70 years of age and in those receiving over 400 units total dose. This toxicity, however, is unpredictable and has been seen occasionally in young patients receiving low doses.
The most serious complication of bleomycin is pulmonary fibrosis and impaired lung function. It has been suggested that bleomycin induces sensitivity to oxygen toxicity[5] and recent studies support the role of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-18 and IL-1beta in the mechanism of bleomycin-induced lung injury.[6] Past history of treatment with bleomycin should therefore always be disclosed to the anaesthetist prior to undergoing a procedure requiring general anaesthesia.
Thinking and smoking

Two things I'm doing to much of right now, my mind is so engulfed in subjects of matter I never once thought possible.
I'm fighting the urge

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A small victory

Monday, October 26, 2009
Ahh Damn French!!

Is what I said to my French nurse as she was pulling my chest hair out with my EKG monitors. Now that I think about it.... holy crap I had a French Nurse, isn't that like a male fantasy or something?!?
4:35 am and my sheets are cold

I landed in the ER last night, I knew I needed it. I could barely breathe. The Presbo Doctors aren't completely sure what is wrong with me but they gave me tamiflu, and some breathing respirators for broncontius (fuck the spelling) I guess they think I could have the flu, phenomena, or something awesome, all I know is I looked like King Edward Longshanks (Braveheart reference) weezing away in my bed before I posted my ass up in the E.R.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cutting Down My Basil

Friday, October 23, 2009
Gettin' Sick To Feel Better.

Gettin’ Sick to Feel Better.
Last night Julie and I hugged it out in the kitchen for a minuet, and all I could think about is how weird of a situation this is that we are in, every day I feel a bit less energetic, more worry of hair loss, and now from the Roids, I have a white film covering my throat called Thrust.
I laid my head on her shoulder and simply said “I’m getting’ sicker just to get healthy” isn’t that fucked up?
We made a kick ass meal, homemade everything, butternut squash soup, a potatoe/brussel sprout medely, and some lemon chicken. I was able to taste every bite.
I’m starting to get a persistent cough, and last night I had bouts with nausea. The hardest part was falling asleep, I was fighting the urge to take another Lorazapan, but I fell asleep before my greedy little hands could put more drugs in my system.
After last night, I am an advocate for the healing remedies of medical marijuana, it made it able to somewhat taste foods, and it reduced my nausea quite well, my overall ora just went in a different direction.
That's it for now, I would like to thank everyone for the positive e-mail's, comments, prayers, that I have received. I listening, and they are great motivational factors for me. If I know you or don't, Thank You for all of your support.
Signing out.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I'll Eat Your Babies Bitch!!!

Quotes on the wall

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sweet Baby Jesus

The title of this post is irrelevant to the actual blog, I'm just loopy on drugs to keep my food down.
Day 3 of the Dirty Juice Part 1

Hello all,
It’s 12:54 on a Wednesday and the I.V. in my arm looks like it’s going to explode. The messhole doctor said they want to just give me an I/V instead of installing a port in my chest, from what I can gather this is a good thing but I’m sure I’ll be looking like a trcked up heroin user when this thing is all done.
Had a quick snafu this AM, had to drive myself to the doctors but no worries it is what it is. I’m not in much of an anything mood right now, I just tried eating a muffin, it stayed down but I’m hiccupping from it and it’s making me a bit nauseous.
Ok well I’m starting to get sleepy again, so this is it for today. Sorry if it was boring… It’s hard to have an exciting story to tell every day when you sit in a polyester-vinyl seat starting at nothing but emotionless half awake zombies for 4 hours.
Side note, I’m listening to Neil Young right now, good shit man…. Damn good shit.
Part Duex is around the corner, much more interesting, I stopped breathing... blab blah blah. I will try to write about it tonight, but right now I'm so doped up, exhausted, nauseated, I just need a breather.
See you on the flip side.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Adam & Eve

Just finished up my breakfast / lunch combo of Rice Crispy treats, homemade cookies from my mom, V12 Plutonium and Blyomecine, all with a hearty side of holiday gravy!!
I bet you can guess what things I didn’t mind having. I’m groggy, tired as shit and my mind is foggy (no pun intended) I had some adverse side effects from the drugs last night, including cold sweats, sudden constant body shakes, and extremely vivid dreams (I even remember the one when I had a 2 on 2 game of basketball of me and Luke Skywalker v. Chewy and that little green guy… you know…. The one who is a dyslectic retard “go now you must”) weird I know.
Someone my age is sitting across from me, he has already lost his hair and seems worn out, but spirits are up. We started talking and turns out he was planning to go to London with his wife in September to see a Chelsea match, but couldn’t end up going b/c of the chemo.
I’m scheduled to go to London late November. Please don’t’ take that away from me too. Anyways the drugs are starting to make me dose on and off so I think I’m done for now.
Also I’m a house music kick right now so if anyone has recommendations outside the norm (Diplo, MSTRKRFT Oakenfold..etc) let me know I’m in a interesting musical place right now.
- That picture of the DVD porn is courtesy of my hospital, that was some of the fine watching I had while there…. Lovely, I know.
Going to sleep off that metal sandwich I just had @ Panera... Smell ya later tater(s)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Day 1 - Getting the bad Juice

2 drugs , one throat closing allergic reaction, and 4 hours later I’m down to my last drug today, this should take about an hr or so. I haven’t lost my appetite yet but this last drug (blyomicine) just made my mouth taste like a copper pipe, I’m salivating and it feels like metal shavings in throat.
So I thankfully don’t have anything too depressing to mention today, the nurses are great… very friendly and making sure we’re as happy as we can be for being in Dr. Messhole’s waiting room of chemo doom.
I’m trying to think of things to write, however I keep going in and out of exhaustion, eyes get heavy, brain stops working…… nap………
Wake up and do a bit more, then go back to bed.
Ok I’m going back to bed… let’s shoot to post a new blog tonight.
Fuck you Cancer, your days are numbered…..
Here we go Chemo Here we go! Woof Woof! Wait....What?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sonograms, C/T Scans, & MRI's.....Ohh My

Oblivious or just Assholes?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
REACH Charlotte

So I don't know how this entry is going to go.... Today, so many different emotions came to the front and right now my mental exhaustion is making my hands shake like Lou Gehrig.